Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bangkok - March 3rd

Well, I'm sitting in the Air France lounge in Bangkok waiting for our flight to Paroo.  It has been hot and humid here.  I am impressed by the sheer masses of humainity on the streets.  Asia is in your face with crowds and noise.  It seems incredibly disorgaanized but then everything works out in the end.

My friend Ed arrived yesterday morning.  After touring the streets and visiting a temmple we sat in hte outdoor restaurant drinking Thai beer and then having dinner.  Total bill about 8$!

I took some picutres but unfortunately I am a  novice at downloading them and somehow have lost them.  Stay tuned, as I am certain I will get better.

One final note is the number of dogs and cats on the streets.  The cats are thin with narrow faces, like siamese, but without the siamese markings.

Well, time to get to the gate and board.  Next post from Thimpu!

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